Thursday, May 21, 2009

Self Portrait - Jessalyn

Former Self as Self


A few short notes on the Self and the portrayal of the Self:

The Self is the best testing ground of love: that by learning to more fully love my Self, I more fully learn to love the world outside the Self. That through my suffering I understand what kindnesses others require when they suffer. Through my joy I learn how to more fully celebrate and nourish these wild, beautiful spirits in my life I have been granted the pleasure and responsibility of loving.

The multiplicity of the Self, the reality of the Selves, is a daily obsession. My existence is paradoxical by nature. Wholeness and integration are elusive but crucial goals; to bring the thing and its opposites into a simultaneous manifestation, until the light I exhale is no longer red or blue but finally: violet.

My Self Is and my Selves Are.
The Self persists.

am i human


  1. My friends recently started saying "beast" to signify that something was "cool". I think this photo is why. This is so beast.
