It came from nowhere.
I asked her if that was the one about the man with the wax wings, and she laughed and said "of course not".
(I pretended to be kidding)
(if you know me, you know how much I love a blurry photo)
This is going to sound like gibberish to you (and I understand), but to this day, I have never seen any compelling evidence for the cosmic evolution (the big bang theory) or even the macro evolution. I think it's a myth.
Now, I love science, I love biology and especially planetary astronomy. I have studied this subject diligently and I have spoken to a number of my professors about this and came to a conclusion that most respected scientists and educators in this field simply assume the theory to be true because these things have been proven and accepted long ago so there is no longer the need for the proof. Many studies and extensive researches have been done and published on this topic.
And yet, I have never seen any compelling evidence that this world came to existence on it's own, without any outside intervention.
Please don't think that I am ignorant. Maybe you know something that I don't. If so, please share!